Emergency and Rehabilitation Support to the Victims of Super Cyclone Amphan

Emergency and Rehabilitation Support to the Victims of Super Cyclone Amphan

Emergency and Rehabilitation Support to the Victims of Super Cyclone Amphan:

The 'super cyclone' Amphan crossed Bangladesh on 20-21 May 2021. In Bangladesh, the worst impact was experienced in Koyra Upazila in Khulna. According to the Upazila Administration reports, out of seven unions, four unions were fully affected which are Koyra Sadar, Uttar Bedkashi, Dakshin Bedkashi, and Moharajpur, and the other two Unions, Bagali and Mohishoripur are partially affected. The embanked in 21 points have been dissolved and flooded 52 villages and washed away crops, shrimp and fish farm, vegetables, houses, seasonal fruits, chicken, ducks and affected the livestock of these villages. The cyclone has broken a large number of trees. A total of 148000 people has been affected, destroyed 37000 houses. Of them, 14000 are fully and 23000 are partially damaged. In this situation, early recovery and reconstruction efforts were needed like Emergency Food, Child Nutrition, WASH, and Rehabilitation Support for repairing/rebuilding houses and toilets, Agricultural rehabilitation support to ensure to bring back the affected people to normal life and ensure the protection of the children as well. As FIA is already implementing a project “Modelling Child rights through integrated community development” with the support of KNH Germany in the four Unions of Koyra Upazila (Uttar Bedkashi, Moharajpur, Bagali, and Koyra Sadar) so the project was able to conduct a rapid assessment immediately after the cyclone Amphan in collaboration with the local government administration and proposed to the donor for a relief distribution and rehabilitation program among the affected households
Project Goal: The relief distribution aftermath of Cyclone Amphan was to ensure emergency and rehabilitation support to the affected people to come back to normal life and ensure the protection of the children.
Implementation Period: July’ 01 2020 to December’31 2020.
Achievements: The project distributed rice and other food items among 595 vulnerable families and once again in the second instalment it distributed similar food items among 800 families. Each of the family received 15 kg rice, 2 kg lentils, 2 kg salt, 2 litter edible oil, 2 kg onion, 5 kg potato, 2 packets of biscuits. Total 1395 families received the food packages among them, 788 families were members of the SHG groups and 607 families were members from the community. Among 1400 families Project distributed WASH materials. Each of the family received a 20 litter water container with lid and tap, 1 kg detergent, 2 soaps, 4 masks, 100 pcs water purifying tablet and 1 packet sanitary napkin. A total of 1590 children of these families have been benefited from the support. A total of 80 families received the House Repairing materials and another 80 families got latrines materials. FIA also conducted online advocacy for the Sustainable Embankment and requested the Local MP to take immediate initiative to repair all the weak points and raise the issue of sustainable embankment in the session of the national Parliament. FIA also conducted an evaluation to see the impact of Relief distribution and to know the way forward.